Modernizing an Experience With Century-old Traditions
Scouts BSA
Migration to Magento 2
Back-end Integration
Adobe Commerce
Blue Yonder (formerly JDA)
Scouts BSA (formerly known as The Boy Scouts of America) online store sells a variety of apparel, badges, camping gear, literature, crafts, and more. BSA initially enrolled in Corra’s TotalCare program in October of 2018 and we have been managing and maintaining their site ever since. BSA also has a B2B portion of its business that licenses merchandise and products to a network of franchised retailers across the country.
Together, Corra &
Scouts BSA
The Scouts B2B site was archaic–they weren’t confident it could handle more than a handful of orders at a time. BSA originally turned to Corra to conduct performance testing but eventually realized it was better to start from scratch and leverage the out-of-the-box B2B capabilities embedded in Magento 2. Corra successfully completed the migration from Magento 1 to Magento Enterprise 2.2.9 and launched a modern B2B storefront tailored to the unique needs of BSA’s operations.

Distributor login.
BSA is administered through 272 local councils and divided into districts that directly serve Scout units. Because of this, these B2B users needed to be associated with multiple accounts. Natively, the email address that users use to log in is tied to a unique account. However, because of how councils are structured, the Scout Shop had to be able to grant access to multiple accounts through the same email. BSA also noticed that many B2C customers were becoming B2B customers at a later time, and they wanted to be able to purchase from a separate wholesale account while maintaining their personal account. To address this use case, we successfully implemented a solution that integrates seamlessly with BSA's third-party system, Blue Yonder (formerly called JDA). Through Corra’s custom logic, the email submitted by the user is now used for communication purposes only. Our logic combines the primary email and the account number to create a secondary email address that is used to identify a unique account in Magento, thus giving councils the ability to access multiple accounts with ease.

Custom form for camp orders.
BSA holds camping events at remote locations throughout the US. To ensure accurate delivery within set time frames, they require camping event organizers to submit additional order information.
With a new custom form in the checkout, BSA can now gather specific information such as “needed by date,” “earliest date deliveries can be accepted,” special shipping instructions, contact name, and contact phone number. This allows customers to place orders far in advance while ensuring that they will be on-site at the location to receive the order.
BSA manages all of the customer data (addresses, company association, customer group, pricing, order management, catalog) on Blue Yonder, and Magento syncs the data to and from it.
To avoid data errors, Corra implemented a variety of customizations to restrict B2B users from completing certain actions including modifying account data and submitting a purchase order more than once.
Corra made back-ordering possible for B2B users. They are now able to checkout with items that are currently out of stock and will be shipped at a later date.

Back-ordering products.
The Boy Scouts B2B site design is consistent with the look and feel of their B2C experience; however, Corra’s design team simplified it as much as possible to remove potential friction in the buying journey and offer a truly streamlined experience to all customers.
With a refreshed and streamlined B2B site experience capable of handling more than a handful of orders at any given time conversion rates have increased by a dramatic 60%.

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