Purchasing Furniture Should be as Comfortable as Sitting in it
Blu Dot Design & Manufacturing
Digital Experience Strategy & Design
Conversion Rate Optimization
UX Enhancement
Custom Development
Blu Dot is a practical design and sustainable product-oriented furniture company out of Minneapolis. They have both ecommerce storefronts and brick and mortar stores—13 in total, located domestically and internationally. They strive for quality design on products made from high-end materials that legacy European furniture makers use, only Blu DoIt prices them at a price point that makes the conscious consumer comfortable. Besides the thoughtful pricing and design, Blu Dot is focused on supplying customers with furniture that is practical and will last for years to come.
Together, Corra &
Blu Dot
Getting Furniture Through the Front Door
Corra’s work with Blu Dot began as a support relationship. Blu Dot utilized our Adobe Commerce expertise to optimize the website for top-tier performance. It was important for Blu Dot that their technology partner accomplish their requests, like implementing custom shipping and delivery logic into their checkout flow, while also offering strategic guidance and long term partnership. With products of varying size and dimension, a checkout that was efficient, intuitive, and flexible to the specifics of delivering products with such variance was crucial to the project’s overall success.
Introducing the new bludot.com
Corra’s Analytics Experts Provide Actionable Insights
Users interacting with commerce websites produce reams of data that strategically minded merchants and solutions integrators can analyze to reduce friction points, optimize on-page experience, and build roadmaps toward growth. When brands protect their GA data, and allow Corra access to their analytics, we build out dashboards that provide 24/7 access to a solution’s performance, insight into how KPIs are performing over time, and recommendations on how to improve underperforming KPIs.
Blu Dot and Corra have engaged in a long-term strategic partnership focused on delivering value to their investment. Using data from Blu Dot’s website, Corra has made changes to their checkout flow, their shipping messages, trust badge presentation, and has built a dashboard centered around monitoring the KPIs specific to Blu Dot’s larger strategic initiatives. By taking our recommendations and enlisting in various growth-oriented programs, Blu Dot has seen growth in their key metrics and delivered value to their investment.
Improved product pages with size demensions.
A PDP Renovation
Shipping furniture means the parameters for delivering products can be intensive. Corra added size dimensions to the website’s PDP so that customers can have access to that information. With Corra’s expertise in Adobe Commerce, it was also made sure that the internal workings of the website were as user-friendly as possible so that internal admins at Blu Dot could update critical product details efficiently and independently.
Corra installed a zip code search function in the cart section of Blu Dot’s website. This creative innovation allows customers to search based on their location for what kinds of amenities and services are available for their furniture deliveries.
Easy Checkout Means Happy Customer
Corra streamlined checkout by taking what would be an involved, multipage procedure and condensing it into three easy steps on a single page: 1) Shipping Address Information 2) Delivery Method, and 3) Payment.
The single-page checkout allows easy customization and fast checkout. Shipping address is first because the delivery options are contingent on what is available in each zip code. Blu Dot offers in-home delivery and assembly, or FedEx delivery, and Corra optimized the website to streamline that choice for users.
We also included a smart address system where the address input line auto-fills customer addresses in a dropdown menu. This not only speeds up checkout but reduces user error.
The single-page design allows ease of use and makes shipping and delivery options adjustable at any stage of the checkout process. Without having to navigate between different pages, the customer can clearly see, and make changes to the options they’ve selected as they move through the process.
Payment is a crucial part of the checkout process, and Corra optimized Blu Dot’s payment process by allowing three different options (Credit Card, PayPal, and Affirm on a single page). Speed equals revenue, and Corra streamlined Blu Dot’s checkout so that customers can customize all their options and make payments from one easy-to-use page.
Customized cart includes a new zip code search featured to see availability options for amenities and services.
Blu Dot and Corra’s relationship is a long-term strategic partnership centered around improving business-specific KPIs, building a website unique to Blu Dot’s business, and creating value through analyzing data and delivering actionable insights based on real-world website performance.

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